DropBox on Linux with crontab to keep old files clean.

I don't usually promote stuff like this but I have been using DropBox for a while now to sync photos and other files between Blackberry, Android, IPhone, Windows and Linux.  I use quite a few devices and like to have some files copied everywhere.  Many similar tools do not support Linux so I like this one.  Hopefully you will find it cool too.

Always have your stuff when you need it with @Dropbox. Sign up for free! http://db.tt/VFkBdqp

To keep your Photos and Video from filling your DropBox beyond the free quota, just put a line like this in your crontab.  The example below will run every morning at 3:03 am and clear out items older than 60 days from DropBox by moving files to another location.  Then all your other computers will also loose the files keeping only one copy on your big awesome Linux box that has its own automated offsite backup.  You may also just pay DropBox for more space as well.  It is a cool service.

03 3 * * * /usr/bin/find /home/user/Dropbox/Camera\ Uploads/* -mtime +60 -exec mv {} /home/user/Pictures/DropBox/ \; > /dev/null 2>&1

Installing is easy too on Ubuntu Linux x86 64 bit:

Run the following two commands as a local user other than root:
cd ~ && wget -O - "https://www.dropbox.com/download?plat=lnx.x86_64" | tar xzf -

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